When You Dont Know the Page Number the Information Comes From in a Source

What to Do with Missing Information in Harvard Referencing

What to Practice with Missing Information in Harvard Referencing

Harvard referencing is a common citation mode. Simply how do you cite sources when the author's name, page numbers or engagement of publication are missing? And how practice you cite an epitome with limited details provided? In this guide, we will show you your options for dealing with missing data in Harvard referencing.

Sources with No Writer

Typically, Harvard referencing requires you lot to give the surname of the writer in citations. If a source doesn't name an individual as an author, however, you can usually cite an organisational author in its place.

The organisational writer will typically exist the group that published the source. For example, we would cite a page from the Swim England website like this:

Learning to swim is of import for safety (Swim England, 2021).

If you can't discover an organisational author, yous may be able to cite the host website proper name (for online sources) or the title of the source instead.

The primal factor here is that the name used in the citation matches the name or title used at the outset of the entry in your reference list. For the source cited above, for instance, nosotros would format the reference list entry every bit follows:

Swim England (2021) When should my child terminate pond lessons? [Online]. Available at www.pond.org/learntoswim/kid-finish-pond-lessons/ (Accessed 23 August 2021).

Make sure to check for an author, though, as about sources listing 1 somewhere.

Sources with No Page Numbers

If y'all are quoting a source, you should include page numbers in the citation if possible. Still, electronic sources often do not have folio numbers.

This is fine for short, elementary sources, such as a page on a website, where it should be easy for readers to find the quoted passage if they need to. In these cases, and then, yous can just cite the source without page numbers or any other pinpoint commendation.

Only for longer or more than complex sources, such every bit an ebook without page numbers, you might need to assist readers discover the quoted passage. Where possible, then, you can apply chapter or section numbers or titles in place of page numbers:

Towles calls the 1930s 'a gruelling decade' (2011, Preface).

Hither, for example, the pinpoint commendation after the date shows that we're citing the preface of the source. Yet, if a source doesn't comprise numbered parts or section titles, you can only omit the pinpoint citation entirely.

Sources with No Date of Publication

For sources where the appointment of publication is missing, use 'n.d.' in both citations and the reference. For instance, an in-text commendation would await similar this:

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The training helps people to develop self-awareness (National Theatre, north.d.).

And this is how information technology would look in the reference listing:

National Theatre (n.d.) Theatreworks [Online]. Bachelor at world wide web.nationaltheatre.org.uk/theatreworks (Accessed 24 Baronial 2021).

If yous cite an article that has been accepted for a forthcoming issue of a journal, meanwhile, you should use 'Forthcoming' instead of a date.

Images with No Named Creator or Title

Equally noted above, you can sometimes use the title in place of an author name in citations and references. Just what if a source doesn't have a named author or championship?

While rare, this tin occur with untitled visual images where the artist or photographer is unknown. In these cases, you should instead give a short description in italics in citations. This basically serves as the epitome championship. For instance, imagine we wanted to cite the post-obit untitled painting.

The artist of this painting is unknown, so we tin't cite their proper noun. And since information technology is untitled, we tin't cite a title in its place. Simply the source does tell the states who the painting depicts, and so we tin use that as a footing for a description in the citation:

The deep reds imply luxury (Portrait of Duke and Duchess, n.d.).

We would then use the same description in brackets at the beginning of the reference:

[Portrait of Duke and Duchess] (northward.d.) [Online]. Bachelor at world wide web.wikidata.org/wiki/Q18586241 (Accessed 23 August 2021).

This will ensure readers can match the citation to the reference listing entry.

Harvard Variations and Proofreading

This post uses a form of Harvard referencing based on the style recommended by the Open up University. Yet, at that place are many versions of this referencing style, and the exact rules for how to handle missing source data in Harvard referencing may vary. As such, make sure to check your own style guide if y'all have 1.

In addition, don't forget you tin get your citations and references proofread by our team of Harvard experts! But upload your work and let us know which version of Harvard you've been using, then nosotros'll do the remainder.


Source: https://getproofed.com.au/writing-tips/what-to-do-with-missing-information-in-harvard-referencing/

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