How to Make a Copy of a Family in Revit and Change It Slightly

Revit Families: A Step-Past-Step Introduction

By Paul F. Aubin for Autodesk University

Peradventure you lot know the power of Revit software'due south Family Editor but you've avoided information technology or it has intimidated yous until at present. Expect no more than. This article will introduce you to the basics of Family Editor. Once y'all get past being intimidated, yous will notice that while Family unit Editor is extremely powerful, it can actually be nifty fun. In this short introduction, nosotros will create a Revit component family complete with constraints and parameters. Don't worry if yous don't know what a constraint or parameter is — nosotros'll encompass that too. Whether you've never worked in Revit software before, or yous've used Revit software for a while only you've simply avoided Family Editor, this article will teach yous the basics of the family editor in a simple step-by-step mode. Nosotros'll work through the creation of a Revit component (loadable) family complete with constraints and parameters.

Even if you are completely new to Revit, y'all have no doubt discovered how important families and the family editor are to your success in Revit. Everything you create in Revit is part of a family — consequently, understanding families and what it takes to dispense them is a vital office of learning the software. Beginning with the difference between Arrangement and Component families, this department will explore the critical concepts and terminology. Nosotros'll also take a quick look at what is provided in the Revit libraries and learn about family unit templates. Post-obit this brief introduction to terminology, the tutorial will focus on the component family creation procedures and strategies — presented in detailed pace-by-stride procedures. Using the concepts and techniques covered herein, yous will learn how to begin tapping into one of the most powerful aspects of the Revit software bundle — the Revit family unit editor!

Everything in Revit Is Part of a Family

In order to get started with the family editor, it is important to sympathize some basic concepts and terminology. All elements in the Revit platform are part of a family unit and they fit into a clearly defined bureaucracy. At the top level of this hierarchy, are Categories. Categories are pre-divers within the software and cannot exist added, deleted or renamed. A wide variety of categories are included in Revit and distributed among a few overall master groups including: model and annotation (but at that place are a few others). Model Categories include all elements that comprise your building model such as: Walls, Doors, Floors, Stairs and Beams. Notation categories include items like Text, Dimensions and Tags. Categories are by definition very wide. It would not be plenty to just have a Walls or Doors category. These items come up in all shapes, sizes and behaviors. Therefore, the adjacent level of the hierarchy is the Family. All Revit elements belong to a family. Families are best thought of simply every bit a collection of similar items sharing the aforementioned overall await and behavior. Revit includes many families such equally the "Basic Wall" wall family unit, the "Unmarried-Flush" door family and many annotation families like "Text" or "Linear Dimension Style." Even the views themselves like floor plans and sections are arrangement families in Revit.

Families branch into two major kinds based on their behavior: the System Family and the Component (Loadable) Family unit. System families include anything that is built into the software and cannot be manipulated by the user in the interface. This can include model components like walls and floors, only also includes equally of import items like floor plans, project information, and levels. Organization families cannot exist created or deleted. Their properties are pre-defined at the "mill." Yet, about system families similar walls, floors and roofs can accept more than than one: Type. A blazon is our next level or hierarchy in Revit. Think of it equally a collection of variables (sizes, materials or other settings) saved to certain values and given a name for ease of reuse. A Type provides a convenient fashion to switch several variables of a family at once. A family unit tin comprise ane or more than types; each with its own unique user-editable settings. So while for instance we cannot create or delete wall families, we can add, delete and edit the types associated with each of the provided wall families. For example, "Basic Wall" is the almost common wall family unit. In the out-of-the-box template files, there are several predefined Basic Wall types such every bit: Exterior — Brick on CMU, Generic 6″ and Interior — 5 ½″ Partition (1hr). The Bones Wall definition just means that information technology is a layered wall that has the same construction along its entire length and peak. The actual make-up of this construction can vary widely from blazon to type every bit the names noted here imply.

Other arrangement families vary considerably in their specific composition and features, but at the conceptual level they share the same basic characteristics: the overall behavior of the object is divers past the system and cannot be redefined; all the same, the specific object-level parameters can be manipulated via the creation and awarding of type and/or instance variations.

Every bit already noted, system families include both things that are part of the concrete model in your Revit projects (like walls, floors and roofs) and other items that are not (similar views, project information, and levels). To distinguish further, system families that also happen to be model elements are referred to as "Host" elements. A Host is an element that tin can receive or support or provide construction for other model elements. Hosts are oft required for many of the component families like doors or windows which require wall hosts, or lighting fixtures which oft require ceiling hosts.

Component (or "Loadable") families include everything that is not a system family. Many component families are model elements, but they can besides be annotation or other non-model elements as well. Component families tin can be "host-based" (require a host), or they can exist "gratis-standing" (not requiring a host). Revit users can create, delete and modify component families (and their associated types). This is accomplished in the family editor and each family thus created tin exist saved to its own unique file (with and RFA extension). Similar system families, component families can contain one or more types. They can also accept case parameters that vary from instance to instance (non part of the type). Unlike system families, they are completely customizable past the cease user in the family editor.

Loadable component (model) families are the master focus of this commodity.

In addition to the organization and component families, there is a 3rd type of family in Revit called the "In-Place Family." In-place families are like to component families in terms of creation, editing and strategy. However, an in-place family is created directly within a project (non in a separate family file as component families are) and information technology cannot be exported to other projects. Further, you can create in-place versions of many organization family unit categories like walls, roofs and floors. This capability allows the creation of custom or free-course shapes not otherwise possible in pre-defined system families. You should only consider creating an in-place family for elements that are unique to a particular projection with trivial possibility that you volition ever desire to reuse them in future projects. Also, in-place families as already noted, offer the simply ways to "customize" certain system families like walls or roofs. In-place families therefore prove constructive for modeling unique existing conditions or very specialized and unique design scenarios. However, wherever possible, consider if the item yous wish to create can be congenital using either predefined system elements or a component family unit first before resorting to an in-place family. Often creating an in-identify element seems like a skilful idea at the fourth dimension only to subsequently be the source of regret. Nosotros will not be exploring in-place families in this article.

Revit and Family Terminology

Here is a brief summary of Revit for Compages critical terminology. The illustration is borrowed from the online assist file a few releases back. In that location is a different version in the electric current help system, but I prefer this illustration every bit I believe information technology still does the best task of summarizing all of the various kinds of elements in the Revit environment.

Element — Anything in your Revit Architecture project. (Elements in italic tin can exist created and edited in the family unit editor.)

Model Chemical element — Something that represents the bodily geometry of your building.

Host Element — An element that can receive or support or provide structure for other model elements (congenital in-place construction).

Component Element — An item inserted into a project (items that are pre-manufactured, purchased and installed). Tin be freestanding or require a host.

Host Based Component Element — A Component Element that must be inserted on or into a Host.

Freestanding Component Element — A Component Element that can exist inserted independently without a Host.

View Element* — An detail in the Revit interface that allows y'all to come across and interact with all other elements. Views conform to the characteristics of typical architectural drawing types like plan, section, elevation and schedule. Some View Element families permit customization of Types, many do not.

Datum Element* — Include Levels, Grids and Reference Planes. These are used establish project context, limits, extents and the like. Datum Elements provide guidelines and limits for other elements within a project and can also include annotative qualities. The families and types of datum elements cannot be edited.

View-Specific Element — Something that is used to document, describe or embellish a view of your projection. View-specific elements practise non appear in any other views automatically. If yous wish to repeat view-specific items in other views, you can re-create and paste them.

Detail Chemical element — A two-dimensional family typically representing a model chemical element just at a level of detail that would be impractical to model. Detail elements appear but in the view in which they are added. Detail Elements remain their actual size as created and do not conform scale with the view.

Annotation Element* — Include text, dimensions tags and symbols. These items are view-specific (appearing just in the view in which they are added) and are used to notate, embellish, describe and certificate design intent within a Revit Architecture project. Notation elements maintain a abiding size relative to the plotting scale of the view in club to maintain a abiding size relative the sheet on which they are placed.

*Level and Grid head tags, Section and Elevation head tags, model element Tags and Symbols (Generic Annotation families) can be created and modified in the family editor. Text and Dimensions cannot.

Many of the branches in the diagram comprise both organization and component families. Naturally for a discussion on the family editor, we are therefore limited to because just the non-organization families. This includes all items on the Component Elements model branch, Detail Item families on the Detail Elements co-operative, Loaded Tags on the Annotation Elements branch and a few other miscellaneous elements as well like titleblock families or view tags and level head symbols.

Family unit Libraries and Resources

The beginning stride to working in Revit in full general and building families in specific is to go comfy with this list of terms. Keep it handy every bit reference as y'all keep. But before you embark on the procedure of building family content, it should exist noted that there are many families included with the software and many more resources available online. A quick search in Google volition plough upward hundreds of sites containing tips, tricks and downloadable content. Do accept the fourth dimension to explore the out-of-the-box offerings and some of many bachelor sites likewise if yous have not already done and so.

As has been noted, you lot cannot create or delete organisation families. All system families volition already exist in your project file. To add types that are not present to a system family, you lot either have to indistinguishable an existing type, rename and change it, or import one from another project. To import from another projection, you lot can use Transfer Project Standards (Manage tab) or copy and paste.

To utilise a component family from outside the projection in your current project, you can load it from a family file (RFA) or copy and paste from some other project. To load a family file, use the Load Family button on the Insert tab of the ribbon, or the contextual ribbon tab when a command is active. For example, if you click the Door tool (Architecture tab), the Load Family button will appear on the Modify | Place Door tab. This lets y'all load a door family and place it all in the same procedure. Also, on the Insert tab of the ribbon, on the Autodesk Seek panel, y'all tin run a search from directly in Revit of the online Autodesk Seek website. You can likewise blazon into your web browser.

In many cases, a family similar to the one you lot wish to create will already exist somewhere in the product or online in one of the myriad online resources. Most companies also maintain their ain libraries of office standard content on their internal servers. Check with your CAD/BIM manager to see what your business firm offers.

The Recommended Way to Get Started

Practical wisdom says that it makes more sense to begin with something in the library and either apply information technology equally-is, or change it to suit your needs. Typically, this will be easier than starting from scratch. In your twenty-four hour period-to-day piece of work when y'all are up confronting deadlines, this is past far the all-time approach. Just be certain to take a little time to "vet" any unknown or newly downloaded content to ensure that it meets your function standards before using it on a live project.

If you are new to creating families in Revit, so I recommend that you create your get-go few families from scratch. By building the entire family unit yourself, you will acquire more than than just modifying one. Furthermore, families can include very complex parameters and constraints that often link to one some other in a chained and sometimes circuitous or even convoluted fashion. Even for seasoned family content authors, it can be difficult to dissect these ofttimes circuitous relationships. Therefore, to avoid becoming discouraged, it is recommended that y'all beginning with a small uncomplicated instance and work your way to more than complication over time.

For example, don't offset with a Door or Window family. These are more than circuitous than they at first seem. Brainstorm with something small, simple and boxy: like a simple piece of article of furniture or equipment.

Family unit Creation Procedures

The basic process for creating a family unit is as follows: decide what type of family unit you need. This volition include deciding what information technology should look like, how much detail to include and whether the graphics or level of detail should alter in different views. You can offset by sketching out (yes on paper) the family you intend to create and make notes most its requirements.

Next, create a new family file from the appropriate template or open an existing family unit file similar to the one you wish to create and save as. The choice of family unit template is important. The templates included with the software are provided by Autodesk with the product. Each contains basic settings, behaviors and in many cases some simple geometry or reference planes. The geometry included (like a sample length of wall) is simply for reference and does non go inserted with the family unit when used in a project. While it is possible to modify the category of family after creation, it is best to choose wisely at the start. Try to choose the nearly advisable category selecting: Generic Model.rft only if no other suitable category tin can exist determined. Unlike category, the hosting behavior of a family file cannot be changed afterwards it is created. So if you are not certain that yous want the family unit you are creating to require a Host, it is safer to build information technology without ane. In other words, if you choose Casework wall based.rft as the template, the family unit you create will e'er require a wall in order to exist inserted. If yous recall you might similar to use the cabinet every bit a freestanding piece of casework, cull the Casework.rft template instead. You can ever use the Align tool to move the non-hosted chiffonier to a wall face up later. You lot cannot afterwards decide to detach the hosted casework item from its host wall.

In one case you take decided what yous want to build and created a new family file based on an existing file or the advisable new template, you lot are ready to create your family reference planes, parameters and geometry. Information technology is usually best to offset with the framework. If you begin with an existing family, delete anything you lot don't demand offset. Then in both existing and new families, add together the Reference Planes y'all volition demand. Reference planes provide the skeleton for your family. Some templates already comprise basic reference planes. You lot can employ these equally-is or modify them. The proper procedure is to manipulate or create reference planes, optionally constrain or assign parameters to these planes, so create geometry and lock it to the reference planes. In this way, the reference planes actually drive the geometry. This is the most reliable, best-practice mode to build your family files.

One time you have laid down your reference plane framework and assigned parameters and constraints, test the family unit by "flexing" it. This is done in the "Family Types" dialog which y'all tin access from the Family Types button on the ribbon. To flex the model, just endeavour different values for each parameter and and then utilise. If the framework moves the way yous expect, everything is good. Otherwise, undo, and try to fix the problem. We volition see several examples beneath.

When all geometry and parameters accept been created, applied and flexed, you are set to salve the file and load it into a test project (beneath I use the 100 Sandbox.rvt file for this purpose). If necessary, render to the family editor to brand any adjustments so reload, otherwise your family file is complete.

Constraints and Parameters

In its simplest class, a family can be a static graphic or symbol. Such a family would be fatigued the mode it was intended to look regardless of the circumstance. The out-of-the-box Chair-Breuer is i such example. At that place are no types or user-editable dimensions in this family unit. Still, one of the things that make families so powerful is their ability to use variables to aid them suit to varying circumstances. This is done using constraints and parameters. While each of these terms has several possible meanings, in the context of Revit the following definitions are suitable to our discussion.

Constraint — is a stock-still dominion that tin only exist manipulated by editing the family file.

Parameter — creates a rule or relationship that has user-editable backdrop.

Essentially each of these is a rule applied to some part of a family'south geometry or beliefs, merely a constraint cannot be manipulated past the end user, and a parameter can. For example, if you lot were working with a door family and y'all wanted to ensure that a vision panel was 10" from the door edge regardless of the door's width, you would use a constraint within the family editor to achieve this. On the other paw, if you want to allow the same door family to take varying (flexible) sizes for summit and width of the vision panel, these would exist parameters. Past making vision panel width and elevation parameters and using them to drive the geometry inside the family, the user can exercise much greater control than would otherwise be possible. Still, the location of the vision console with respect to the door would exist fixed.

Solid and Void Course Geometry Types

Geometry in families consists of solid and void forms. Solid forms correspond the actual physical parts of the family and void forms are used to carve away portions of the solid forms. For example, y'all could create a solid grade box, and then employ a void form to cutting a pigsty in it like a donut. Both solid and void forms come up in 5 varieties. These include: Extrusion, Blend, Revolve, Sweep and Swept Alloy (come across Figure 1). We volition apply an extrusion and a alloy in the tutorial.

An extrusion is a sketched shape pushed along a altitude perpendicular to the sketch plane. A blend is like accept that instead of a single shape, yous take both a top and a bottom shape and the 3D class transforms (or blends) from one to the other along the perpendicular top of the form. A circumduct spins a sketch shape effectually an axis. The revolve can be a full 360-degree or a partial arc. A sweep pushes a shape (sketch or loaded profile) along a sketched path. The shape is perpendicular to the path. A swept blend combines features of both the blend and the sweep. The course morphs betwixt two profiles or sketches as in a blend, merely tin follow a nonlinear path. Unfortunately, the swept blend path can only contain one segment unlike the sweep. This means that complex forms require a spline path. Using a combination of solid and void forms you tin create nearly whatsoever iii-dimensional shape.

Family Types

As nosotros have already pointed out above, families can incorporate types. A type is a saved and named collection of values for the parameters within a family unit. You can add every bit many types equally yous wish. Types can be added within the family editor or even later in the project.

Nested Families

You tin can build complex forms using a combination of the solid and void forms available in the family unit editor as noted above. Still, managing a complex class in a single family can become cumbersome. In many cases, it makes sense to pause your object into discreet parts and build the parts as carve up families. You can so insert these simpler families into another family that represents the whole. This is referred to as nested families. When you lot manage your complex families in this way, you proceeds more control and flexibility.

Subcategories and Visibility Parameters

Any family unit you create or load from a library will belong to a certain category. Each of the elements within the family tin belong to a subcategory within the family unit. Subcategories provide an extra level of visibility and graphical control over the parts of a family. For example, in the door families included with the software, at that place are several pre-defined subcategories. I such subcategory is the Plan Swing. Using this subcategory, it is possible to make door plan swings a lighter pen weight beyond a project regardless of the specific family unit. This helps enforce standards and simplifies such changes.

Visibility parameters are some other way to control elements within a family. Sometimes it is useful to see office of the family only in certain circumstances. For example, yous could create a casework family where hardware was an optional brandish component. In this example, a visibility parameter would exist assigned to the hardware elements within the casework family and the visibility parameter could then be toggled on or off past the user depending on whether or not the needed to prove it in a given situation.


That completes the introductory materials. The tutorial, attainable by downloading the form handout, allows you to follow along with complete step-by-step instructions. Explanations are given in line with the steps, only the steps are highlighted to assist them stand out. Many of the concepts discussed in the preceding topics will be showcased in the tutorial.

Paul F. Aubin is the author of many Revit book titles including the widely acclaimed: The Aubin University Series, Renaissance Revit and Revit video training at Paul is an independent architectural consultant providing Revit for Compages implementation, training, and support services. Paul'south involvement in the architectural profession spans over 25 years, with experience in design, production, CAD direction, mentoring, coaching and preparation. He is an active member of the Autodesk user customs, an Skillful Elite and is a top-rated repeat speaker at Autodesk Academy, Revit Technology Conference and Midwest University. His diverse experience in architectural firms, every bit a CAD manager, and an educator gives his writing and his classroom instruction a fresh and credible focus. Paul is an associate member of the American Constitute of Architects and lives in Chicago with his wife and three children.

Larn more with the full class at AU online: Revit Families: A Step-by-Pace Introduction.


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